Saturday, December 7, 2019

A question for women

Hi to any women out there:

I've been reading and watching documentaries about honor killings in Pakistan. In addition, the India problem regarding raping and murdering women as well as the possible future overturn of abortion laws in the USA are of attention. 

History has shown the challenges that people, communities and governments have with gender related issues, women's issues and laws that are pregnancy related. If I throw in other issues such as well, let me call them liberation sexually oriented conflicts such as transsexual matters and so on, we easily see that governments especially those with stringent religious beliefs or communities that carry political weight have great influence on the evolution of these matters.

My opinion is that Honor Killings which come out of ego, pride, vanity and deep seated religious practices justify murder in those countries but to me they are nothing but murder and usually cold murder. I guess when you murder and take a life which is not defensively based that there is no justification.

As women do you think sexual persuasion should matter and that the public should have the right to judge? As women should women have the right to determine what happens with their bodies or should that be under governmental control and do you think religion should prevail?

Pakistan experiences about 1,000 Honor killings a year. People in America can deny not serving a customer because of their sexual orientation and many USA States deny women the right to have an abortion or make laws so compromising and difficult that the consequences are that women do not get the abortion they desire and in many countries in Africa condoms are disallowed, in the Middle East women seem to not have equal rights in almost anything and in European countries like Germany not so long ago,  women were basically subjected to the rights that their husbands held over them concerning possession, ownership of apartments and property as examples.

In the western world men, especially white men and again especially those of wealth and land and influence have always had power over women.

I find it crazy. After all, the majority of the world's population is non white-it is people of color whether that refers to people in Asia, Africa, Latin America, island groups in many parts of the world, North Africa, etc. And Europe has mixed races and nations that are borderline pure white so why is it that people of varied colors let's say, are always less whereas whites are always more?

The Women's Revolution of the 1960s and on brought these issues to the surface but as women how do you feel about:

Honor Killings
sexual gender equality so that discrimination of any kind does not exist

or do you agree that there should be no abortions, that people have the right to discriminate although discrimination is not what they might call it and that honor killings are a matter of religion and should be allowed?

Feel free to comment

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