About Steven

Hi there,

So, you have decided to check me out; great. Let me tell you a bit about myself. I am an American residing in Germany, teaching and writing while here. I have been living in Germany for about 20 years and in that time I have traveled throughout the world. I teach at a number of colleges and the courses taught range from cross-culture to film and literary classes, business English to history and writing. I also teach at and provide consultation for a number of companies in the area where the emphasis may be on language and grammar to presentations, negotiations, telephoning and small talk skills and so on. I have worked for a number of firms in the IT sector ranging from Siemens (many sectors actually) to the city of Karlsruhe, Germany itself. My literary bio will tell you that I was nominated for the 2012 Pushcart prize for poetry and that I have had a number of pieces published in diversified magazine, journals and presses over the years. I continue to provide training and consultation services, travel as often as possible, take photos and write and publish as often as possible. I have tons of opinions but try to present them logically and reasonably using culture, history, facts and common sense. There’s more, of course but that is part of my private life and this is a Blog and not a diary but when asked questions respectfully, I will answer honestly and openly as long as we are serving curiosity and building positive connections.

I hope you will find my Blog a fun and intellectual experience.



  1. Dear Steven,

    Congratulations to your newly released blog! I believe your thoughts and poems will be meaningful to a large audience. All the best to you!


  2. Thanks, Daniel. I hope you are right-just want to share some things and maybe some people will have an interest.
