Sunday, March 11, 2018

Responses to the Freedom question

Responses to What Freedom Means to You
(If/when others add their definitions-they will be added)

What freedom means to others:

For me, freedom means that I have many choices and control in how I live my life. I am able to choose who I marry and associate with, where I live, how I make a living, what I eat and how I entertain myself. If I am free, then I choose my own path through life and accept the consequences of my choices.
Cheri in Florida

Freedom is doing what you want without bothering anyone. 
Stephen in Germany

For me freedom means living a life not constrained by the conceptions 
of others.

Robin an American in Germany

Freedom means to me respecting guidance but not wanting to be controlled.

Thomas in Germany

I'm not sure. I don't think freedom really exists. Some have more freedom than others. For example, the more educated you are, the more choices you have. I don't believe that I am free until we are all free. 
Jessica in the USA

I think freedom is self-sufficiency and to educate oneself. To be able 
to provide for oneself and to keep on learning, are things that set 
one free.

Reyhan in Germany

Freedom to me means in the first-place inner freedom, the ability and
state of mind to feel and decide free from acquired or imposed

Daniel R. in Germany

Freedom: the ability to think and act of one's own volition without constraint.
Judith, an American in Germany

Having a free will, and therefore, being able to choose between different options in terms of choosing a course of action over another

SB in Germany


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