One man's opinion!
Why did
Charlottesville carnage happen? Because we lie to ourselves
August 12, 2017 8:10 PM
To my white fellow citizens:
I invite you to consider this scene from Saturday’s riot in
Charlottesville. As reported by The Washington Post,
a group of counter-protesters assembled at a rally of white supremacists in
that Virginia college town and took up a chant, “No Trump! No KKK! No fascist
To which one of the white supremacists yelled back, “Too
late, f------!”
At this writing, we are still sorting out all that happened
Saturday at and around the University of Virginia. First reports paint a
frightening picture: Nazis, Klansmen and other benighted citizens of the
extreme right — most said to be white men in their 20s and 30s — shouting the
usual expressions of hate; brawls breaking out between the protesters and
counterprotesters; police, according to some witnesses, standing by. Those
early reports also tell us that a car was driven through a crowd of
counterprotesters, with the result that over a dozen people were injured, at
least one of them fatally.
While it is too soon to know much about this with certainty,
this much is clear. What happened Saturday in Virginia is the bitter and
inevitable fruit of our habit of intellectual dishonesty where race is concerned.
The first, such, of course, lay in writing slavery and
racial inferiority into a constitution that supposedly enshrined the equality
of all people before the law. From that day until this one, we have never quite
weaned ourselves of lying to ourselves where race is concerned. Indeed, as the
moral authority of the Civil Rights Movement recedes deeper into memory, as
cable news and social media offer new platforms and broad reach to voices of
acrimony and hate and as facts become “facts” become untruths become lies and
too few of us seem to notice or care, the intellectual dishonesty surrounding
race has become starker, more brazen and more creative than we have seen in
Like when people say that talking about racism is racism.
Or when they babble pious inanities like “racism goes both
ways” and “all lives matter.”
Nor have news media always brought clarity. It was pundits, after all, who kept ascribing Donald Trump’s rise to “economic anxiety” even as his followers were yelling racist, homophobic and anti-Semitic slurs with unbridled glee. And leave us not forget how media have allowed the folks who brought such chaos to Charlottesville to brand themselves under a banal-sounding new euphemism — the “alt-right” — as if they were not the same bunch of mouth-breathing, lowlife racists they always were.
Where race is concerned, intellectual honesty, the
willingness to see and say what is right in front of us, has long been in short
supply. And too many of you — not all, no, but far too many — readily embrace
these implicit lies because you fear the places to which the truth will push
you. But the racial riot and terrorism that just visited Charlottesville and
the emboldened brazenness of the white supremacist movement now that one of
their own has taken the White House, suggest that you no longer have the luxury
of avoidance, at least not if the future of this country matters to you.
I am not unmindful of the young white students who protested
the hate that arrived on their campus Saturday. For that matter, I am not
unmindful of the white people who marched through Charleston after the church
massacre there. I remember James Zwerg, who had his face kicked in, and Viola
Liuozzo and Elijah Lovejoy, who were shot to death for African-American
But I am likewise not unmindful that too many of you have
watched with complicit silence and quiet terror of demographic change as voting
rights were abridged, murderous policemen went free, Fox “News” turned your
resentment into ratings and politicians turned your rancor into power.
The result of which erupted Saturday for all the world to
see. Meaning not just the violence and not just the terrorism, but the sense of
victory and vindication embodied in the smug rejoinder of a white supremacist
to a group of people who had come to chant in support of something higher than
bigotry and rage.
“Too late f------!”
Maybe he’s right. Maybe it is.
That’s a decision you’ll have to make.
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