Sunday, March 22, 2020

Virus and Trump

I expect every major USA and world's sports league to cancel their 2020 season. There will be no sports, no entertainment, no shopping other than online and perhaps not that if there is no manufacturing and production and the economy will severely tank. The idea of it coming roaring back is silly. It takes time for an economy to rev up and function and even more time to get back to certain levels and the BS that comes out of the WH is just that, BS. It’s like trickle-down economics, and we all know that you can put something into place but by the time it trickles down a lot of time will have passed. It is so weird to listen to Trump at a news briefing and then once he leaves to listen to the doctor totally contradicting everything that Trump says. One would have to be blind and dumb and unable to hear a word to not know how unfit that guy is. Nothing that has happened because of Trump has surprised me as I had always expected it. I said as much years ago. I hope America wakes up to realize that the health system, certain laws like gun laws and how institutions and rule by democracy has been severely impacted to the point of possible no return to any norms. Norms also include change, reevaluating, instituting new practices, etc. but not geared towards making the rich richer or excluding science or separating from the rest of the world, which is what has been taking place for the last few years. I have never thought that Obama was a great president. I would have put him in the middle of the pack but he did have communications skills and intellect and regardless of liking or disliking his policies, at least the man was normal whereas Trump needs heavy therapy and needs to learn skills he never had. The man is a failure as a human being on every level possible including the business level and if one ever examines his true history that would come through as well, which I had also said years ago. I do not think Biden is right but he is a different sort of human being and as a temporary relief it is best to put him into office and then allow America to reassess and determine the track it needs to go on. After Trump is out of office, the behind the scenes truth will be revealed and the books will be published and his legacy will go down as the most evil and worst of all presidents that had been in power for more than a few weeks and months. And his children will be considered poison going forward. If not and this kiss my ass loyalty persists and people continue to support republicans that have opened a fascist track, then I fear we are seeing the beginning of American decline. You can be a super-power because of economic and military strength but how much does that really mean if you have lost the support of the rest of the world? Decreasing regulations in some areas may be a good thing but in other areas it is stupid and a bad thing such as global warming or drilling in certain areas. When the historians write the books in a few years from now, like with Nixon and Johnson, Lincoln and Truman and Bush 2 we will see what the truth and realities were. How Johnson lied about Cambodia and Vietnam, Watergate and the Korean war and so on. You can run but you cannot hide from the truth. America's selection this year in Nov may very well determine its future for many, many years to come.    

Personal note******

Please maintain distance and safety practices and be smart, safe, and healthy!!!

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